Archives: News & Press Articles
Pennsauken Manufacturer Creates 3 New Jobs and Increases Sales by $10k through Value Stream Mapping (VSM) as it Acquires New Facility
(Pennsauken, N.J.) – Connector Products Inc. (CPI), a company that designs, develops and manufactures innovative, high-quality products for power utilities and mass…
Convertech, Inc. and NJMEP Advocate for Manufacturing
Larry Taitel, president of Convertech, Inc., and Dr. John W. Kennedy, CEO of NJMEP, are remaining outspoken advocates of State-supported educational opportunities…
Montclair State University Opens NJ’s First 3D Printing MakerBot® 3D Design and Printing Lab
MONTCLAIR, NJ – Montclair State University has partnered with MakerBot® to open a MakerBot® Innovation Center at MSU’s Feliciano School of Business….
United States Technologies, Inc. Announces the Purchase of Broadband Wireless, LLC, a premier manufacturer of RF and Microwave Amplifiers for Military and Commercial Customers
United States Technologies, Inc. (“UST”), a privately owned business located in Fair Lawn, New Jersey announced today its purchase of Broadband Wireless,…
New Jersey Manufacturers Donate 2.5 Tons of Food through NJMEP and CIANJ Food Drive
Food Drive Part of an Ongoing Program called “Manufacturing Cares” The New Jersey Manufacturing Extension Program, Inc. (NJMEP) and the Commerce and…
Putting their Money where their Heart is
Many companies in our business claim that their equipment is “green,” in that it saves energy or is manufactured with earth-friendly practices….
Workforce Development Grants Available
The New Jersey Department of Labor has released information on the next round of Workforce Development Grants to help companies upgrade the…
NJ Business News: Workforce Development Training Grants Available for NJ Manufacturers
The New Jersey Department of Labor (NJ-DOL) has released information on the next round of Workforce Development Grants to help New Jersey companies…
Unionwear Leader Featured in Podcast on a Blog about Lean
Mitch Cahn, President of Unionware, was recently featured in a podcast on Mark Graban’s Lean Blog. Mitch discusses his business, the importance…

Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno Signs Manufacturing Day Proclamation
On Tuesday, November 10th, Lt. Governor, Kim Guadagno, met with NJMEP team members to discuss the state of manufacturing in New Jersey and…