Employee Retention
Employee Retention Strategies
It is vital that manufacturers have access to employee retention strategies as the talent pool begins to rejuvenate.
A low-cost, direct solution for businesses is offering new OR existing employees professional development opportunities to ensure manufacturing businesses can...
- Gauge the commitment of a new hire
- Maintain the current workforce
These employee retention strategies become even more valuable when the employee gains new skills to help them do their job more efficiently, effectively, and create a sense of loyalty for their employer who is investing in that individual's growth
This is the Solution
Manufacturers can take advantage of three low-cost / high-value self-paced certification programs:
Certificated Logistics Associate and Certified Logistics Technical
- Nationally Recognized Certifications backed by the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC)
- Perfect for purchasing managers, warehouse managers, or any individual that works in any logistics/distribution role in a manufacturing facility
- Self-Paced training
Contact Us Now to see the curriculum and to find out how to incorporate this employee retention strategy into your manufacturing operation
Full Certified Production Technician
- Nationally Recognized Certifications backed by the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC)
- Perfect for any individual that handles any production role at a manufacturing operation
- Self-Paced training