NJMEP Call Center Training Series
Online6/2, 6/9, 6/16/2022 First class phone skills enable outstanding customer service. This three-part series will provide training tips and techniques to de-escalate
6/2, 6/9, 6/16/2022 First class phone skills enable outstanding customer service. This three-part series will provide training tips and techniques to de-escalate
6/7, 6/8/2022
6/9, 6/16, 6/23, 6/30/2022 This course will focus on improving speaking, reading and writing skills. Participants will learn new vocabulary and grammatical
6/14/22, 6/15/2022
This half day training is for folks just starting to give presentations. Presentation skills are the skills you need in delivering effective
Webinar for NJMEP clients to learn about How to Secure Tax Credits and Incentives such as R&D Tax credits, EPAct 179D and