Top 7 Reasons Hiring Veterans is a Fantastic Strategy for Modern Manufacturers
Countless veterans are ready and willing to work once they transition back to the civilian world. Many understand what it means to put in a “hard day’s work” which makes the transition to a manufacturing environment easy. This largely ignored workforce could fill the skills gap currently impacting manufacturers in New Jersey and across the nation. Employers that do hire veterans find they often end up as long-term, dedicated employees who developed valuable teamwork, leadership, and relevant skills during their service. These are qualities that manufacturers want from their staff and will get with a veteran workforce.
US military veterans bring a wealth of skills and strengths to the workplace. A lot of this experience is credited to their cross-training in multiple skills and having multiple tasks and responsibilities while in the military. This flexibility translates well to the manufacturing field, making them invaluable employees for any kind of manufacturing business.
Now let’s dive in deeper to the top 7 reasons why hiring veterans is a sound strategy for today’s modern manufacturing business:
#1 A Strong Work Ethic
Veterans learn hard work and use determination to achieve their goals when entering the armed forces. They work well on a team and are focused on completing tasks while working in uncomfortable and challenging situations that make them well-prepared to work in a manufacturing environment.
#2 Proven Leadership Skills
Veterans are used to taking on a swath of responsibilities and assuming leadership roles due to the hierarchical structure of the armed forces. They experience different leadership styles from their commanding officers and must be ready to take on a leadership position which gives them the ability to make strategic decisions and manage a team.
#3 Veterans Are Tech Savy
Veterans don’t fear utilizing and exploring advanced technology. Veterans train using some of the most sophisticated technology available and using technology in the manufacturing environment isn’t any different. Advanced technology is incredibly prevalent in the modern manufacturing industry to speed up production. The skills veterans gain during service can be applied to their new career in manufacturing and lead to an easy transition into any facility.
#4 Employers Receive a Variety of Incentives for Hiring
There are plenty of incentives to encourage manufacturing businesses to hire veterans. Manufacturers would qualify for tax credits such as the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC), a deduction business owners can receive from hiring specific groups, including veterans. Companies can also receive salary subsidies during training, assistance, and accessibility modifications just for hiring veterans, according to Indeed. Manufacturing-specific programs like the New Jersey Defense Manufacturing Community are designed to train veterans for manufacturing careers through integrated certification and career-readiness training.
#5 The Military Mindset
Cultural similarities between the manufacturing field and military service make the transition smoother for veterans exploring the industry. Veterans can apply many of the skills they learned from serving in the military to their manufacturing jobs. Even with advanced technology being used by manufacturing businesses, hard work is still required. That is when a military mindset has its advantages as supported by this story.
This doesn’t only apply to non-disabled veterans. Disabled veterans who are able-bodied individuals and whose disabilities don’t hinder their ability to work are just as capable of performing their duties on the job. Many want to work and have the discipline and skillset to be successful employees. Both non-disabled and disabled veterans struggle to find work. A meaningful manufacturing career would give more purpose to their lives.
#6 Veterans Bring a Unique Skill Set
Not only do veterans have loyalty, integrity, honesty, and a work ethic that makes them valuable long-term employees. They have the motivation to succeed in their roles. Most of our veterans want to work and they have highly sought-after soft skills and an unmatched work ethic that makes them tremendous employees in the manufacturing sector, they just need to be given an opportunity. Manufacturing businesses would show veterans an appreciation for their service, receive great publicity, qualify for benefits, and ultimately address their workforce needs by hiring them.
#7 Nearly 200,000 Veterans Are Actively Seeking Employment
Workforce challenges top the list for many manufacturing businesses in New Jersey as they are seeking talent to fill the workforce gap left open by a retiring workforce. There currently isn’t a large enough conventional pipeline to fill current open positions. Veterans make up a largely untapped group eagerly seeking employment opportunities. This is evident with the nearly 200,000 veterans actively looking for careers each year. Only one in four veterans have a job lined up once they complete service. Hiring veterans would certainly contribute to restoring the manufacturing talent pipeline.
Veterans Closing the Manufacturing Skills Gap
Veterans make tremendous employees for manufacturing businesses and there is a plethora of advantages to hiring them. They bring an amazing work ethic and investing in this talent pool will help close the manufacturing skills gap. While the industry is experiencing challenges finding and retaining talent, veterans want to work. Our veterans proudly served this country, and they are prepared to do the same for the manufacturing industry. Manufacturers need to give them a chance. It will not only address the talent gap, but it is a fantastic way to show appreciation for those who served in the armed forces.