Memorial Day and the NJ Manufacturing Community

By John W. Kennedy, Ph.D., CEO & President of NJMEP

Memorial Day weekend is right around the corner. In addition to enjoying this time off with family, friends and coworkers, I ask that the NJ manufacturing community, and the general public at large, remember that Memorial Day is more than just a ‘holiday’. This is an important time of reflection to remember those who have sacrificed for the freedoms we often take for granted.

I would also like to take this opportunity to issue a “call to action” for the NJ manufacturing community, and humbly request that you volunteer your time or donate to a worthy cause. If you would like to “give back” to the community, I recently received a letter from Ellen Johnson from Camp Noble Cause asking for the support from NJ manufacturers. The program provides a fun camp experience to 500+ New Jersey-based families of active duty military personnel at one of our local NJ Boy Scout Camps, Winnebago Scout Reservation in Rockaway.

Last year, I was asked to attend as a representative of Scouting and was impressed to see Camp Noble Cause in action. Many young families (most with only one parent in attendance, as the other was deployed) were using the waterfront, boats, canoes, mountain bikes and more. It was very apparent that the program was making a meaningful impact on the local families of active duty members. The program is overseen by volunteers led by Ellen and Bob Newberry, who founded the Camp seven years ago.

I know that you all receive requests for a variety of reasons, but when it comes to children and our service members, I believe we can always look for ways to help. No deed is too big or small to make the day brighter for another. For example, last year I found a way to cover the costs of a portable PA System so that the organization could better manage their evening campfire with the help of a couple other Scouters.

Please download Ellen’s letter by clicking here, and support Camp Noble Cause if possible. We each do what we can… and our industry gives back in many ways. However, to many including myself, there is no greater cause than to give back to those who provide us with our security and our freedoms. If interested, please feel free to contact Ellen directly at 973-305-1218 or

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