Open Enrollment and Complimentary Workshops Workforce Development

Manufacturing Training and Upskilling in a Post-COVID World

Upskilling the manufacturing workforce is an essential pillar of NJMEP’s mission. Through on-site training, workshops, and complimentary seminars, manufacturers throughout New Jersey can upskill their employees to produce higher quality products or become more effective managers.

Once COVID-19 hit, this in-person training stopped due to social distancing measures. However, manufacturers haven’t lost out on the ability to train and upskill the workforce. NJMEP shifted from in-person training to webinars.

Online Upskilling Opportunities for New Jersey Manufacturers

There’s a host of online webinars available to manufacturers through NJMEP. Problem Solving, Time Management, and Goal Setting courses are ideal for anyone in an organization. These kinds of workshops provide actionable advice for production workers or the C-Suite.

Additionally, Human Resource teams can turn to NJMEP webinars to advance their skillset. HR in an industrial environment presents its own set of challenges. A host of HR focused training has been made available and is especially helpful in a post-COVID business environment.

Along with the upskilling opportunities mentioned above, NJMEP is hosting more specific webinars. Take a closer look at some of the other virtual training available.

ISO Certification Training

Manufacturers will be able to attend webinars like the ISO 9001-2015 Internal Auditor Training Class and the ISO AS 9100 Internal Auditor Training Class while social distancing. These webinars train personnel so they can conduct internal audits. It provides them with the necessary knowledge to become qualified and confident to do so in a positive, constructive manner, consistent with the objectives of a manufacturer’s management system. The class teaches the fundamentals of conducting an end to end process audit.

Upskilling the workforce to possess these new skills adds immediate value to any business. Just because it has become more difficult to attend in-person workshops, doesn’t mean a New Jersey manufacturing company has to suffer. Business leaders can now take advantage of online training options.

Management and Supervisory Skills

Moving into a position of authority means meeting new challenges, taking on new responsibilities, and mastering new skills. It may also mean learning to manage across cultural and language differences. New Managers can often be overwhelmed by new responsibilities and anxious about the transition from “coworker” to “boss.”

To create a smoother transition and a more capable management team, management and supervisory skills courses are available online. These comprehensive webinars provide real-world examples that ensure participants retain the critical information being shared. An organization is only as effective as their leaders. It is absolutely vital that manufacturers provide these professional development opportunities to supervisors and managers.

Food Manufacturing

Food manufacturers can choose from a wide range of online training courses. There are 5 self-paced online training options as well as a variety of live webinars. These businesses face a unique set of challenges and must abide by strict regulations. Food manufacturers must continue upskilling staff and provide training even if in-person training isn’t available. Online training options are the ideal solution.

The list below provides a look at some of the food manufacturing online courses currently available.

  1. Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP)
  2. Food Allergens
  3. Food Defense
  4. Food Recalls and Withdrawals
  5. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points Overview (HACCP)

And Much, Much More!

As 2020 continues, more webinars that cover more of the critical topics that embody manufacturing will be made available. Training and education are essential in this industry. The more proficient and efficient the workforce becomes, the better a business’s bottom line will look. Coronavirus may have disrupted the industry but it did not bring it to a stand-still. NJMEP and the entire manufacturing community is resilient. To ensure the success of all New Jersey manufacturers, NJMEP will continue providing the highest-quality instruction and training to these essential businesses.

Visit the calendar for an up-to-date look at all the online training available.

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