Manufacturing Workforce

South Jersey Revitalization Summit Aims to Create New Talent Pipeline
The New Jersey Manufacturing Extension Program (NJMEP) partnered with Rowan College of South Jersey (RCSJ), Community College of Morris (CCM), District 1 lawmakers, and South Jersey Industry Leaders to host the South Jersey Manufacturing Revitalization Summit at Rowan College of South Jersey….

A Guide for Business Owners Who Want to Create a Remote Team
Remote work has become more common, thanks to advances in technology like internet connectivity and video conferencing tools. According to research published…

Essential Manufacturing Workers are ‘Unsung Heroes’
Stream the Manufacturing Anthem No one is living their normal life. COVID-19 and the devastation it caused, both on a human and…

Making Sense of COVID-19 – What Small Business Owners Need to Know
Smart business owners are planning for when the regulations of quarantine will be relaxed and business operations will return. Forward-thinking companies should…

8 Tips to Help Essential Manufacturers Keep Facilities COVID-19 Free
Find 8 helpful tips to help manufacturers keep their workforce healthy as the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) continues to spread across the United States. …

New Jersey Legislators Work to Give Manufacturers Training Grant Priority
Manufacturing businesses in the state of New Jersey have an exciting new development to look forward to in the coming year. These…

A Bridge to College Credits
New Jersey Registered Apprenticeship Program Manufacturers throughout New Jersey now have access to the NJMEP Pro-Action Education Network™ and its Registered Apprenticeship…

New Jersey Legislative Manufacturing Caucus Recap
Dear NJ Manufacturer & STEM Companies, NJMEP worked closely with the New Jersey Legislative Bi-Partisan Manufacturing Caucus to bring manufacturers to Metuchen,…

Does Learning Essential Spanish Make Sense for Manufacturing?
By Guest Blogger Sharlene Vichness Wish you had paid more attention in Spanish class in high school or college? Because now you…

Recap: National Manufacturing Day 2015
Friday, October 2nd, 2015 marked the Made in New Jersey event in celebration of the fourth annual National Manufacturing Day! The celebration was designed to expand knowledge…