The New Craftsmanship: Smart Workplace, Smart Workers
In 1936, Charlie Chaplin presented Modern Times, a film starring his iconic Little Tramp character as he struggled to acclimate himself to…
How 5S Can Improve Your Production Floor And Manufacturing Processes
When you walk around your production floor, at times you are probably dismayed by the level of chaos and disorganization. You may…
Reasons To Use Value Stream Mapping To Succeed At Lean
In our series on lean manufacturing, we discussed two versions of “lean”—the overall concept and lean combined with “Six Sigma.” The aim…
How Lean Six Sigma Can Improve Manufacturing Operations
In a previous blog post, we talked a great deal about “lean” manufacturing- a methodology originally developed by Toyota that helps manufacturers…
“Lean” Manufacturing: How Can It Improve Your Process
You hear a lot of about “lean manufacturing” these days, but it may be hard to figure out what people mean by it….
The ‘Art’ Of Transforming Waste Into Profit
By Guest Blogger Stuart Rosenberg A little different tactic from the usual idea of reducing or eliminating wastes in a manufacturing process……
Energy Costs, Exporting And Lean Six Sigma: Key Focus Areas For 2014
Happy New Year everybody! Now that we’re back into the swing of things, it’s time to get cracking on improving our businesses……
Lean Six Sigma And Innovation: Opposing Forces Or Natural Sidekicks?
The concept of “Lean manufacturing” has been around for a while and many manufacturers are familiar with it. Organizations should always strive…
The Principles Of Lean Six Sigma
Ranga .V Srinivas, Guest Blogger What is Lean Six Sigma? What is the difference between Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma? Which one…
Welcome To The Made In New Jersey Blog!
New Jersey may be known as the Garden State, but our manufacturers are suppliers of products to the world. The Made in…