Manufacturing In NJ

Home Heart Beats, LLC
About Home Heart Beats, LLC:
Home Heart Beats, LLC is a woman-owned company and the inventor of “The Original AFO Assist®”. Our product was designed by an occupational therapist with 20 years of experience in the rehabilitation field who recognized the need to fabricate a lower body dressing aid that would allow physically disabled clients to independently dress. The Original AFO Assist® is a unique (one-of-a-kind) lower body dressing aid used by stroke survivors (and other physically disabled individuals) to independently donn an Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO: an orthotic device that is worn to prevent foot drop and facilitate safe ambulation) and a shoe. The Original AFO Assist® holds the AFO in a stable position to allow independent donning, and its shoe platform facilitates shoe donning. Using The Original AFO Assist® enables our clients to “Step Back into Life®.
NJ Congressional District: 12